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HomepoliticsJim Jordan's legislative record scrutinized as GOP backs him for speaker

Jim Jordan’s legislative record scrutinized as GOP backs him for speaker

Representative Jim Jordan has been criticized by some for being ineffective at passing legislation in Congress after he was nominated as the House Republicans‘ choice for speaker on Friday.

The Ohio congressman is the second nominee that the GOP has put forward, after Representative Steve Scalise, a Louisiana Republican, withdrew his nomination this week. The House speakership role has been vacant since October 3 when Representative Kevin McCarthy of California was ousted in a 216-210 vote after Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, introduced a motion to vacate.

House Republicans remain divided on their second choice, with Jordan receiving 152-55 votes on Friday. The congressman will need 65 more votes on the House floor in order to be elected to the speakership.

Meanwhile, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, a New York Democrat, voiced concern about Jordan possibly becoming House speaker after the vote.

“House Republicans have just elected a speaker nominee who in 16 years in Congress hasn’t passed a single bill, because his focus has not been on the American people, his focus has been on peddling lies and conspiracy theories and division,” Jefferies told reporters on Friday.

Social media users on X, formerly Twitter, seemed to agree with Jeffries.

“Jim Jordan has been in Congress for 16 years and the number of bills he has sponsored which became law is zero. The number of bills he has sponsored which passed the House is also zero. He had one resolution pass, to create the ‘Deep State’ subcommittee. In 16 years…” user Aaron Fritschner posted.

Another X user criticized Jordan, favoring former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Jim Jordan hasn’t passed a single bill in his 16 years of congress. Who else agrees he’s far too ineffective to be Speaker? I miss Nancy Pelosi,” Adam Mockler wrote.

“Jim Jordan hasn’t passed a SINGLE bill in his 16 YEARS in Congress,” X user Jack Cocchiarella posted. “Who else agrees Jim Jordan is too evil and ineffective to be Speaker?”

According to the 117th Congress Legislative Effectiveness Scores recorded by the Center of Effective Lawmaking (CEL), Jordan was rated fourth to last, out of the House Republicans evaluated. The scores were measured by the bills each congressperson sponsored, whether it received any action in committee or beyond committee, which bills were passed, and which were signed into law.

Despite what Jordan’s critics say, Representative Nancy Mace, a South Carolina Republican, believes that the congressman has a real shot.

“I think Jim Jordan is not out of the mix,” Mace told CNN on Wednesday after Scalise initially beat him out of the nomination. “I have talked to a lot of people who still support him. I have actually talked to Democrats who trust him at his word. I don’t think that’s out of the realm of possibility.”

Mace reiterated her support for Jordan on Friday when she posted on X: “It’s time to get Jim Jordan across the finish line!”

McCarthy also believes Jordan will get the 217 votes needed to be elected speaker, telling CNN congressional correspondent Manu Raju on Friday, “Yeah, but he’ll get there. I don’t see a problem with him not getting there.”

Former President Donald Trump has endorsed Jordan, writing in a Truth Social post on October 6 that the Ohio representative would make a “GREAT Speaker of the House.”

“Congressman Jim Jordan has been a STAR long before making his very successful journey to Washington, D.C., representing Ohio’s 4th Congressional District. Respected by all, he is now Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,” Trump wrote. “As President, I had the honor of presenting Jim with our Country’s highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.”

Newsweek has reached out to Jordan via phone for comment.

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